Slight Change of Plans

I've decided to alter my plans for the full release of Rogue Shooter Redux a bit. I've been making good progress on the complete rewrite of the engine, but it's been taking way longer than I'd like. So I've decided to go back to version 0.9.7 and make just the minimum required changes to call it complete, and release that instead as the full "1.0" version for now.

The reason for this decision is that I've been meaning to include a little extra surprise with the full release that I'm sure all fans of Rogue Shooter will really love, but I don't want to make you guys wait for it any longer. So while this means the "full" release will be disappointing. You will at least get something to enjoy from it while you wait for more stuff in the future.

The complete rewrite of the Redux could then possibly be released later as version "2.0". However, at this point, I'm thinking it will probably be best to make this just the spin-off, so I can fully focus on that and not have to juggle priorities, which should speed things up a lot. With a possible Rogue Shooter total conversion mod coming later. Giving us the best of both worlds.

I still don't have an exact release date for this yet, as I'm still a bit busy with "real-life" stuff at the moment that makes predicting the future difficult. But I'm hoping to get this out sometime next month.

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